Little Feet
-Talisa Noor-
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
A Trip to Jackcloth and FX Plaza
Unfortunately i accidentally delete some of the pictures there! kyaa.. >_<
Oh, I met Sogie Indraduaja there. He visited his friend's booth, Red Union. They made cool ambigram on the T-shirts! :D
And, this is the silly part, actually. I was very nervous when I ask him to take picture with me. I even forgot to interview him! Oggrrgh... I hope I can see him again and have some interview. Heheh. I just wonder what he thinks about the growth of fashion industry in Indonesia. Hehe. Oh, have i mention that now I am a contributor of Warta Kampus? :) It's one of the media in my campus. Huhu, wish me luck and success there!
Anyway, I spent too much money there. I just...can't help it... Uugh!
Pendaftaran Manual USM STAN
1. Calon pendaftar USM STAN Tahun Akademik 2009/2010 yang sampai dengan tanggal 7 Juli 2009 telah menyetorkan biaya USM dan GAGAL melakukan e-registrasi akan tetap dilayani/diberi kesempatan untuk melakukan pendaftaran.
2 Waktu dan tata cara pendaftaran akan diumumkan paling lambat 7 Juli 2009 di tempat-tempat pendaftaran dan dapat dilihat pada,, dan
Agar pengumuman ini disebarluaskan.
Silakan download pengumannya di sini:
*sumber: Dondy's notes on facebook
You've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with the ABC's of YOU. At the end, choose 26 people to be tagged. You have to tag me so really you just
need 25 more people. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you - but not in a creepy stalker kind of way.
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your ABC's of Me, tag 26 people (in the
right hand corner of the app) then click publish.
A - age? 12 days later I'll be 19.
B - busy? humm...just study, make friends, enjoy the life...
c - current condition? having some bigger responsibility but i'll take it as a fun way to be a more mature human being :)
d - dirty little secret? pernah jalan2 ke cipulir 3 hari sbelum uts...n my mom didn't know that.
e - expectation? be more discipline, get more money immediately
f - five things about me? cheerful, blessed, ambitious, calm, introvert
g - greatest fall? when i was down and no one accompany me.
h - hoby? being taken in pictures, writing some diaries, reading anything
i - inspiring people? Mr.Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Mrs. Sri Mulyani, my mom...
j - jakarta? it is place of my birth.
k - kids? i would like to have 3: 2 boys and 1 girl, and i hope they will be wise and happy person.
l - late ego? jealous
m - music? frank sinatra, air supply, mltr...
n - nationality? indonesian, of course. I'm not planning a naturalization.
o - one person who is very special? hhe. i can't tell you who.
p - preppy? yes, i am.
q - quote? "You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there."-Edwin Cole-
r - romantic? in certain circumstances.
s - saddest song? of my life-queen? (i can't remember any sad song...)
t - time of choice? morning
u - unfavorable experience? a trip home from Menara BCA with bus...I had a BAD stomachache.
v - vitamin? vitamin c
w - weird obsession? sour sally yoghurt :)
x - xerox? the cheaper one, please..
y - youth? it's my's my world..
z - zucchini? i would like to try eating it.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Today: Gonna Visit JakCloth
Monday, June 8, 2009
Dongeng Anti-Korupsi
I've just known that Corruption Eradication Comission (KPK) has published a children's storybook entitled Cerita dari Peternakan Kakek Tulus. There are 9 series of the book. They teach many basic moral values like integrity, honesty, probity, caring, modesty. You know, there are only few local children storybooks that teach these basic values. I think this storybook is GREAT :D Children are our country's next heroes. I'm optimistic our country will be improving since the children are taught to be good, honest, and brave. :) *can't stop smiling* Moreover, the copies are given for free by KPK.
You can read the stories here. The authors are Moh Yusron Muchsin (also known as Kak Ucon) and Komunitas Kajian Dongeng (Kokado). If I could meet them and KPK, I would like to say "thanks" and "bravo" for creating and publishing that educational story. Very inspiring, too, anyway. We can learn from them. They do what they can to make this country better. We can do it, too!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Sunday Morning
I love sunrise...
Its light gradation is beautiful...
It shows power and spirit...
It creates an adoring, grateful feeling
that God designs all beautiful things in the world.
Thank's, God, for everything You have been giving...
(I would like to start my day with this huge grin ^_____________^)
*image from here*
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sleep Mode Plastic 3: ON
Semalam, Himasurya dan SMC--sebagai satu kesatuan panitia Plastic-- mengadakan rapat evaluasi terakhir untuk PLASTIC 3 sekaligus "pengistirahatan" panitia PLASTIC. (Istilah "pengistirahatan" digunakan dengan harapan akan ada PLASTIC 4 tahun berikutnya)
Jujur, saya salut dengan panitia PLASTIC tahun ini. Mereka semua bekerja dengan optimal dan kompak. Dalam kepanitiaan ini, bukan hanya hasil akhir yang baik yang didapatkan, melainkan juga rasa kebersamaan. Pada awalnya saya merasakan adanya gap (tidak banyak, memang) antara Himasurya dan SMC. Untungnya, gap itu sedikit demi sedikit mengecil seiring dengan berlalunya acara PLASTIC dari minggu ke minggu. Seperti yang saya bilang tadi, rasa kebersamaan perlahan hinggap di hati kami. Banyaknya waktu yang kami jalani bersama membuat ikatan persaudaraan kami makin kuat. He he. Bahasaku kok jadi makin formal ya?
Saya juga salut dengan penonton. Nggak nyangka, antusiasme mahasiswa STAN cukup tinggi terhadap acara ini. Menurut saya, hal itu terjadi karena:
- Musik adalah interest yang universal. Banyak mahasiswa (dan dosen, dan penjaga parkiran, dan anak-anak, dan orangtua) menyukai musik.
- Mahasiswa membutuhkan wadah untuk menyalurkan hobi dan bakat bermusiknya.
- Acara ini tidak membatasi kreativitas bermusik dan seni mahasiswa. Semua jenis aliran musik diterima. Segala bentuk kreasi performance juga diterima.
- PLASTIC memberikan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa untuk berani tampil dan jadi eksis. He he.
- Banyak band mewakili kelas atau organdanya sehingga banyak suporter datang untuk menyemangati dan menonton teman-teman mereka yang tampil di atas panggung. Akibatnya, Plasma menjadi ramai tiap malam Jumat dan Sabtu--di mana ada PLASTIC. Ho ho.
- Kehidupan di kampus kadang membuat jenuh. Daripada suntuk di kos, mending datang dan menikmati musik di PLASTIC. Udah mudah (dekat dengan kos, nggak perlu jauh-jauh), nggak perlu keluar duit pula. He he.
- Plasma adalah tempat yang strategis dan nyaman. Strategis, karena keberadaannya berada dekat dengan tempat kos mahasiswa STAN, yaitu Sarmili, Kalimongso, Ceger, Ponjay, dan PJMI. Nyaman, karena plasma cukup luas, sangat terbuka, dan tidak dibatasi oleh dinding sehingga bisa menjamin oksigen bagi seluruh pengunjung PLASTIC yang bisa bebas menghirup udara malam yang segar. Kalau diadakan di tempat tertutup, bakal berasa panas dan pengap tuh (kecuali kalo ada ACnya. Hahah. Untuk sementara ini, ruangan yang memadai seperti itu--yang luas dan ada Air Conditioner yang berfungsi optimal-- belum ada di kampus)
Sayangnya, nggak semua mahasiswa STAN datang dan nonton PLASTIC. Masih banyak juga yang nggak pernah datang sekalipun di acara ini. Menurut saya, memang nggak semua orang menyukai keramaian seperti acara musik ini. Juga, nggak semua orang suka menghabiskan waktu di luar rumah malam-malam. Hal itu memang nggak bisa dipaksakan.
Acara ini sempat menghadapi kendala, di antaranya perijinan, ketepatan jadwal acara, dan kualitas sound. Namun, berbagai kendala itu bisa diatasi. Panitianya juga oke. Menurut saya, kualitas sebuah kepanitian bisa kita lihat dari bagaimana mereka menghadapi dan menyelesaikan hambatan yang ada.
PLASTIC 3 memang belum sempurna. Akan tetapi acaranya berjalan dengan lancar, kehadirannya pun berkesan di hati mahasiswa STAN. Saya tetap mengacungkan jempol untuk acara ini dan panitia yang bekerja di baliknya :)
So-Last-Week Diary
It's funny when some entities say that you are talented and smart while at the same period there are other entities say that you are silly and stupid.
I'm still Tasa, however, an ordinary girl who has a big obsession and some big dreams. I'm just a girl who loves freedom, making friends, laughing, learning, loving, dancing, blogging, facebook-ing... (And still want to be able to cook.) :p
I'm not perfect. Sometimes I make mistakes and hurt people. Sometimes I am too lazy to do homework or take a bath.
I realize that:
I feel sad when I'm neglected. But then I know it won't happen forever.
I feel frustrated when I'm too far from my goals and no one come to support me. But then I know it's only for a while.
I feel I miss something when I'm not with my family. But then I know I always have them inside my heart.
I feel I need bestfriend(s). But I know I already have them. I just have to open up my heart widely and see that they're here beside me.
By the way, to my friends Ari and Primbon, thank's for being care to my silly notes in Primbon's book a week ago. You guys really made my day :)