Little Feet

Take steps, take actions.
-Talisa Noor-

Monday, February 13, 2012

Oh My God

I just now googled myself and I found some of my "alay" profiles in certain social network...

Okay. Don't laugh at me, please.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Highly Recommended

image from here

Do you ever wonder why some advertisement stick in your mind and some others don't? Or why do you remember some of the lectures and don't really remember the others?
Some ideas survive and some others die. Some ideas may always be remembered by people, but some others are easily forgotten. Do you want your idea to be the survived one?

"Made to Stick" identifies 6 characteristics of ideas which "stick":
1. Simple (makes people easily understand your idea)
2. Unexpected (makes people pay attention to your idea)
3. Concrete (makes people remember your idea)
4. Credible (makes people believe your idea)
5. Emotional (makes people care to your idea)
6. Stories (makes people act after getting your idea)

Both good and bad ideas can stick on people's mind. In my opinion, instead of the idea itself, what matters actually is the "package" --the way you deliver the ideas. 
By the way, I personally think that this book is like the "extension" of the "Influence People" part (on "How to Win Friends and Influence People"), with another point of view and techniques. Hehe. :)

Anyway, I also recommend this book to all government officers and academician. Happy reading! (after you buy or borrow the book, of course)

This is a mind map of Made to Stick. I got this from Google Image
Get the way of creating mind maps from .

Friday, February 3, 2012

The book I am reading now

Haruki Murakami - Dengarlah Nyanyian Angin

For Women Only

Saat haid menyapa... Sholat dan puasa dilarang. Akankah nilai ibadah kita berkurang?
Jawabnya, tentu tidak :) Having your period doesn't necessarily mean that you can't have more quality time with Allah.

Buku ini memberikan tips beribadah saat haid. [FYI, beribadah itu bukan hanya sholat dan puasa saja :)] Menuntut ilmu, belajar bahasa, bersikap baik pada orang tua, berdzikir, juga merupakan ibadah.  Tidak hanya itu, buku ini juga memberikan nasihat-nasihat lain sehubungan dengan wanita, baik yang sedang haid maupun tidak.
Menurut saya, buku ini sangat mudah dibaca dan mudah dipraktikkan. Cocok untuk segala usia. Haha :) *promosi

Few faces of Jakarta

This is West Sumatra Province's Office of Government 
(Gedung Penghubung Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Barat)
It is located on Matraman Raya, East Jakarta. Do you see the shape of the top face of the building? It looks like Rumah Gadang, a decent traditional house from West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Well, this one is a crowd that you'll surely find at Tanah Abang Train Station (Stasiun Tanah Abang). This is a station that connects many train lines. There are 6 lines here.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Karena kita ada di sepatu yang berbeda...

... sehingga aku tak melihat apa yang kau lihat, dan kau tak melihat apa yang aku lihat.

Mungkin bumi terlalu luas, dan kita ada di puncak bukit, memandang ke arah yang berlawanan. 
Hamparan kebun di hadapanmu, pantai dan lautan luas di hadapanku.

Haha. Seandainya kita menyempatkan waktu untuk menoleh dan bertukar pandangan... Mungkin kita akan menyadari betapa indahnya pemandangan yang kita lihat. 

... Atau mungkin juga tidak.

Tetapi setidaknya, kita tahu bahwa dunia tidak sesempit pandangan kita saja.

image from here