Little Feet

Take steps, take actions.
-Talisa Noor-

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Been Very Thankful

Hello, there? Been good?

Well, I've been good, too. I'm going to have my pre-employment training in two weeks. Can't wait to have it :)))))

These months have been so miraculous for me. When I nearly feel down, I almost always have something excited and it brings up my spirit. Thanks, God :)

By the way, I'm being a committee of BPK Peer Review Training. Yesterday I took a picture with Joseph Christoff, one of the trainer. The training is superb. I wish I could join it as a participant :)


deadyrizky said...

buka nih blog tetiba jadi keinget momen pas kamu ama Intan datang ke rumah, dek. Aku yang baru pulang dari sekolah kaget lah. Lho iki sopo cah" ayu ning omah? Rasa malu lalu menuntunku untuk mengurung diri di kamar sampai kalian berangkat mau renang (pas itu kalo gak salah)

Talisa Noor said...

oh,iya? aku lupa mas..hahaha.

Anonymous said...

ayo semangat jangan ngedown :D

Talisa Noor said...

thanks :D

Anonymous said...

yang training bulan april 2013 juga donk dipost..