Little Feet

Take steps, take actions.
-Talisa Noor-

Friday, January 30, 2009

Different Taste of Teater Alir’s Exercising

Teater Alir has a newcomer: Mbak Vera. She’s actually our brand new guru :) (after years of autodidac—am i spelling it correctly?--, thank’s God) She had been graduated from IKJ.

It seemed like a fun exercise. With her, we tried another style of learning teater. We are taught to contol our emotion and breath. Humm. I can't wait for the next Alir's exercise (yeah,we're actually exercising). I loove Teater Alir! :)


deady rizky said...

hope everything will get better then for Alir
can't wait for ur next upcoming project

Anonymous said...

mampier lagi...
baca lagi,
oh iye, link blog mu dah kupasang di blogku..

Talisa Noor said...

to orangapatiang: thank youu ,my daddy :) mmuah! (well,don't think it's a real kiss.i just want to express my "ke-gak jelas-an".haha)

to neta: wah,thank you uda masang link blog-q.. nice :) btw km kos di Full House??

deady rizky said...

it's OK
i CAN see IT, nduk