Little Feet

Take steps, take actions.
-Talisa Noor-

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Purple Level: Addict!

My addiction to purple color started few years ago when I went to college out of town away from my parents. My mom always bought me clothes and most of them were purple because she loved it.

Because my mom gave me lots of purple clothes, I start to buy matching accessories, like bag, watch, brooches, leggings, shoes, and even cell phones!

Other people thought I loved purple so much and they started to give me purple presents in my birthday. Sometimes they also give me some purple gifts when they went to another city/country.

Hehe. So there I am. :) 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Annoying Orange

I always love to make experiments in fashion. Many people say that hijab limits your fashion. I disagree. I think creativity is limitless and always able to be adjusted to any value.

This is my style. What's yours? :)

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Remaining Silent

There is this quote:

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
(It is still questionable who has said this first. Some people say this quote belongs to Mark Twain, some say other various sources)

I just not quite agree with the quote. It is for the people who may not fully understand the situation, thus the don't know what they're talking about. However, keeping silent means that the doubt is still there anyway. 

Well. "Remaining silent simply allows one to avoid the fate of being thought a fool or stupid."(

Yes. Being silent doesn't change a thing. Okay, silence is better than talking foolish, I know. But speaking up your mind in a thoughtful way is waaayyy better than being silent, right? Especially when you are oppressed. Many tragedy happens not only because evil people do bad things, but also because good people just stay silent.

The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Mimpi yang Aneh

Saya menyaksikan pemandangan yang indah dari lantai atas kantor saya. Dari jendela, saya menyaksikan pemandangan laut biru dan pasir putih yang indah. Bahkan, kantor saya punya kolam renang ala hotel mewah :')

Saya pun turun ke lantai 1. Ternyata sedang ada gelombang pasang. Ombak yang menyapu pantai cukup besar dan semakin lama semakin membesar.

Lalu saya berkumpul dengan para senior saya yang ternyata adalah wartawan dan politisi. Saya hendak merekam video ombak yang besar di saat yang bersamaan ketika para senior saya sedang membocorkan rahasia politik tentang pejabat yang melakukan korupsi.

Tiba-tiba ombak besar menerjang. Saya berlari menjauhi ombak, tapi ia terus mengejar. Saya hendak menyelamatkan diri dan bersembunyi di balik pohon.

Tiba-tiba ada sosok mirip Hitler yang mencari-cari saya. Pohon di sebelah saya bisa bicara, dan membocorkan persembunyian saya. Saya ditangkap, kemudian ditanyai. Karena ingin menyelamatkan diri, saya bilang padanya bahwa saya sudah merekam bukti tentang rahasia politik yang barusan dibocorkan senior saya. Kemudian saya dilepaskan dan saya diberikan privilege besar sebagai wartawan untuk menginvestigasi kasus korupsi tersebut.

Nah, kemudian saya mendengar alarm berbunyi. Ternyata mimpi. Halah... :'D