Little Feet

Take steps, take actions.
-Talisa Noor-

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Great Time with Besties on Weekend

After some hectic weeks, finally I could make it to met with my old friends, yay :D

1. Saturday: My high school besties
Last Saturday, I made my journey to Bandung to visit my friends, Wulan and Sari. Wulan stays at Bandung, while Sari actually stays at Surabaya but she was looking for a job vacancy there. So, we made our mini reunion!

2. Sunday: My college besties
On Sunday, I met Andreas and Tifa and Nabil. We joint STAN English Club at college and we're just like family. Previously Andreas worked in his hometown at Karanganyar. Now he moves to Jakarta. Tifa works in Jakarta, she's just finished her pre-employment training. Nabil currently works in Jakarta too. And, there is also one of our best friends who moves near Jakarta. Yay! I'm so glad we're back together again :))
 Me, Andre, Tifa
 Me and Tifa

 Rossi brothers. LOL :D
Nanang. He works at Cilegon now. Hehehe.

It's amazing to see how time passed by. Now we are all older, but the bond is still there. I like the way we accept and respect one another. I think I find the similarity between my close friends from time to time: they don't make a big deal about differences. And I think that our friendship is beyond laughs and smiles. We did go through hard times together. We shared dreams and plans. We shared thoughts about almost everything.
To me, these guys are so precious.
Alhamdulillah, thank you, Allah, for this great friendship :)


Mantan Ketua Kelas 2008 said...

wah itu ada tiwul dan sari... habis ngapain tuh....

Unknown said...

Tasaaaa! I surprised by this photos and notes. Uwaaaaaahhhh... ❤ u so much Tasaaa!
Lagi hamil anak kedua Sa? Sehat2 terus ya 😊❤