Little Feet

Take steps, take actions.
-Talisa Noor-

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Stop to think and feel.

Hari ini saya sempat ngobrol singkat dengan bapak2 tukang ojek. Well. Thinking back his story, about his effort to work here and there, in as many places as he could work, to get his children to finish their education as high as possible... I somehow admire his spirit. He might have a limited ability but that doesn't stop him from trying. He has dream for a better life for his family, especially the better education that his place of origin doesn't have. I hope he can reach his dream and be happy with his family. :')


deadyrizky said...

jadi inget ibu di rumah ya tas...

Tanaya said...

So many things we can learn from people around us, right Tasa?",

Talisa Noor said...

deady: hehe.yg namanya ortu emg pingin yg terbaik buat anaknya ya mas..

naya: yup mbak :) that's why life is a never ending learning