Recently, I do really NEED holiday. From college. From extracurricular. I need time to let myself free to do anything I like. To do my plans.
I'm actually a solitaire. But I still love to group, anyway.
Flexible? Hm. Let's say so. I need other people as I'm a social person but it's not weird when I need time for myself, right?
By the way,
some of my friends had said once that I'm a perfectionist. Now I guess they're right, a little.
I'm still human. Not perfect but still thriving for the best. I feel word "excellentionist" is more preferrable than perfectionist. Hahaha.
Well, it's people's mind. I cannot force them to change their perception about me. But I think I will get the positive results at the end. My efforts will bring a very BIG satisfaction, I believe :)
A way too optimistic? No, but it's much better than be pessimistic.
World is sometimes damaged or flawed. But that does not mean you can't be excellent.
If you are perfectionist:
You're good. But you can be better if you relax! Don't let your perfectionism drives you. See something more clearly. The "right" way from your side not always be the "right" way to others. There are still many possible "right" ways.
If you are anti-perfectionist:
You are practical and realistic. You won't force yourself and others too far to get perfection. But, it's not wrong if you want to be excellent. Explore your power! I believe you have bigger potential than what you think.
"Kita ini ciptaan Allah, yang pasti mutlak sempurna (Berani bilang bahwa ciptaan Tuhan itu nggak sempurna??). Namun, kita harus ingat bahwa melakukan hal-hal yang sempurna itu nggak mutlak sifatnya. Aku pikir tiap orang punya standar masing-masing tentang hal yang terbaik bagi mereka."
Sekian diary hari ini! Have a nice weekend, all :)
Sekian diary hari ini! Have a nice weekend, all :)