“The more you are into debating, the more you can see the problem from both sides: pro and con. The more you see that arguing is not necessary.”
In my country, debating is only fun when it is about game or competition. Arguing doesn’t really solve the real problem. One side must loose. And the winning side will be really satisfied because it has successfully intimidated another side. Arguing will only creates hatred and dissatisfaction. Because the more you argue, the more your opponent hits you back. Meanwhile, the problem doesn’t seem to go away— even, it gets bigger.
The way to solve the problem is through NEGOTIATION. It is when you LISTEN to your opponent, and your opponent listen to you. It is when you UNDERSTAND your opponent’s view point, and your opponent understand your view point. It is when both of you can find the BEST SOLUTION that benefits most. It is when both of you WIN.
It is when blaming is not necessary. It is when peace is created.